Issue Date: November 7, 2017
Expiration Date: January 5, 2018
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps), in cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD), seeks comment on its draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (EA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impacts for the Willamette Basin Review feasibility study (appendices). This study will be used to formulate a recommendation to the Chief of Engineers on the potential allocation of storage in the Corps’ Willamette Valley reservoirs, referred to collectively as the Willamette Valley Project.
Currently, the space in which water is stored in these reservoirs is allocated for joint uses: flood risk management, irrigation, navigation, hydropower production, water quality, recreation, supporting fish and wildlife, and municipal and industrial water supply. This feasibility study will evaluate the potential for reallocation of storage space from these reservoirs to respond to current and future water supply needs in the Willamette River basin. Although municipal and industrial (M&I) water supply, irrigation, and supporting fish and wildlife are among the uses of stored water, no specific allocation of reservoir space was made for these uses when the dams were first authorized by Congress.
The draft Feasibility Report and EA has been prepared for the proposed Federal action in accord with Corps Planning Requirements (Planning Guidance Notebook ER 1105-2-100), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality’s NEPA regulations (40 C.F.R. parts 1500-1508)], and Corps NEPA regulations (33 C.F.R. part 230). At the end of the public comment period, the Corps will consider all comments received or post marked by the expiration date of this public notice and make a determination on the feasibility of the proposed action and of the significance of impacts resulting from the proposed action.
Additional Information and Comments: Questions or comments regarding the draft Feasibility Report and EA should be directed to wbr@usace.army.mil, or to the address below. Mailed comments on this notice must be postmarked by the above expiration date and sent to:
District Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Portland
Attn: CENWP-PM-E/David Griffith
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946
In your response, please refer to the above public notice number (CENWP-PM-E-18-01), title (Draft Willamette Basin Review Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment) and date. Should no response be received by the above closing date, a “no comment” response will be assumed.
Please note that the normal 30 day comment period has been extended to 60 days.
All comments received will become part of the administrative record and are subject to public release under the Freedom of Information Act, including any personally identifiable information such as name, phone numbers and addresses.