The Roller Compacted Concrete Technical Center of Expertise, hosted within the Portland and Walla Walla districts, provides engineering, materials science and construction consulting services to other Corps districts and federal agencies. The TCX team maintains state-of-the-art RCC expertise and facilitates the transfer of technology and knowledge to practicing engineers via design manuals, codes and criteria documents and training.
As Corps infrastructure continues to age, the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement of structures provides an opportunity for cost-effective RCC alternatives. The TCX team stands ready to sustain staffing and expertise to meet future RCC demands from the Corps’ multi-purpose civil works and water resource projects to ensure the proper project execution and taxpayer investment.
What is roller compacted concrete (RCC)?
RCC is concrete that has been compacted by roller compaction, which requires that, in its unhardened state, it will support a roller while being compacted.
RCC was initially developed to produce a material exhibiting the structural properties of concrete with the placing characteristics of embankment materials. The result was a material that, when properly designed and constructed as a gravity structure, should be more economical than comparable earth-rockfill and conventional concrete structures.
RCC provides a cost-effective alternative to mass concrete for applications in dam modifications, navigation locks, bank protection and grade control for channels and rivers, cofferdams, traffic pavement, and abase slabs that support heavy structures.