
Rogue River Maintenance Dredging Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment - Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The information in this draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) is intended to supplement the 2015 Environmental Assessment (EA) titled Environmental Assessment Rogue River Maintenance Dredging dated June 30, 2015 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2015). This SEA documents the potentially additional effects of removing a large gravel bar/shoal that has formed upstream of the Gold Beach Boat Basin Access Channel and increasing the incremental dredge volumes in both the Access Channel and Entrance Channel to meet increasing maintenance needs. The Corps proposes to continue maintenance dredging and placement actions at Rogue River as described in the 2015 EA. The primary changes to the project are proposed increases to the dredge quantities needed to maintain authorized channel depths and the removal of approximately 200,000 cy of material from a gravel bar just upstream of the Boat Basin Access Channel. Draft_SEA_RogueRiverMaintenanceDredging


Building Strong® at the Rogue River at Gold Beach

2 aerial images of the Rogue River at Gold Beach areaThe Rogue River Harbor at Gold Beach rises in Cascade Range of southwestern Oregon, flows westerly through the Coast Range and empties into Pacific Ocean, 264 miles south of the Columbia River and 381 miles north of the San Francisco Bay.


The entrance of the Rogue River provides two jetties and a 13-foot-deep, 300-foot-wide channel from the ocean to a turning basin about one-quarter mile downstream of the state highway bridge. Construction of both jetties was completed in 1960. The north jetty was damaged in the 1964 flood and repaired in 1966. Three timber pile groins were constructed in 1984 as a five-year test of their ability to reduce shoaling of the small-boat basin access channel. In 1989, the test period was extended for five more years for two of the three test groins. The report concluded that relocation of the boat basin channel was cost effective, and in 1998, in cooperation with the Port of Gold beach, the boat basin channel was relocated approximately 1,000 feet upstream to a new opening in the breakwater provided by the Port of Gold Beach.


The Corps of Engineers does not maintain recreation facilities at this location. Please stay off the jetties as they are hazardous and not intended for recreational use. Nearby recreational facilities fall under the jurisdiction of private, local or state agencies. Learn more about jetties and why they are unsuitable for recreation at Understanding Coastal Jetties.

For more information

Oregon Coastal Harbors pamphlet

Contact us:

Phone: 503-808-4510

Email: Rogue River at Gold Beach

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Operations: Rogue River at Gold Beach

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Expand List item 1852Collapse List item 1852  General information
There are various landings for fishing and recreational craft. At Wedderburn, across river from Gold Beach, is a facility to accommodate excursion passengers and small freight items destined for various private landings between Wedderburn and Agness, Ore. Facilities considered adequate for existing commerce.
Expand List item 1853Collapse List item 1853  Project description

North Jetty is 3,300 feet long.
South Jetty is 3,400 feet long.

Other Features:
A channel from the entrance of the Rogue River at the ocean to river mile 0+30 is 300 feet wide and 13 feet deep.
There is a turning basin 650 feet long, 500 feet wide, and 13 feet deep.
There is also a north shore bank protection structure.
The Gold Beach Boat Basin has an access channel that is 2,100 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.
The turning basin is 600 feet long, 150 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.

Expand List item 6478Collapse List item 6478  Map
Graphic illustration map of Rogue River at Gold Beach
Expand List item 1854Collapse List item 1854  Authorization
The Rivers and Harbors Act of Sept. 3, 1954.