The Planning Assistance to States program, also known as the Section 22 Program, is authorized by Section 22 of the Water Resource Development Act of 1974. This program authorizes the Corps to use its technical expertise in management of water and related land resources to help States deal with their water resource problems.
Upon request, the Corps of Engineers will cooperate with states in the preparation of plans for the development, utilization and conservation of water and related land resources located within the boundaries of the state. Assistance is given within the limits of available appropriations, but $500,000 is the maximum Federal funds available annually to any State. Cost sharing of this program is required by the non-Federal sponsor at 50 percent.The state's annual requests for assistance in addressing these resource problems are used to develop the Corps study program for that year.
A state's eligibility for planning assistance is determined by comparing the requested work items to the state's water and related land resource plan. Almost any non-federal entity can be a sponsor of a PAS study, including, but not limited to, a city, county, state agency, tribe, diking district, watershed council, etc. Another federal agency, private company or individual cannot be a sponsor.