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Corps seeks comments on ocean disposal sites near Yaquina Bay
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is accepting public comments on plans to place sediment in two ocean disposal sites near Yaquina Bay...
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Corps releases jetty rehabilitation report
This report outlines plans for major rehabilitation of jetty system at the Mouth of the Columbia River...



Building Strong® at the Coos Bay

2 aerial images of Coos BayCoos Bay is on the Oregon coast 200 miles south of mouth of Columbia River and 445 miles north of San Francisco Bay.

Coos Bay is about 13 miles long and 1 mile wide, with an area at high tide of about 15 square miles. The Corps maintains two jetties at the entrance: the south jetty, completed in 1928, and the north jetty, completed in 1929.

The original authorization allowed the Corps to maintain the entrance channel at 45 feet deep and 700 feet wide. A modification was authorized in the fiscal year 1996 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, Public Law 104-46, which provided for deepening the channel by 2 feet to 47 feet from the entrance to Guano Rock at river mile 1, and to 37 feet from river mile 1 to 15. Public Law 104-46 also provided for deepening by two feet and expanding the turning basin at river mile 12 by 100 feet from 800 by 1,000 feet to 900 by 1,000 feet.

The Corps of Engineers does not maintain recreation facilities at this location. Please stay off the jetties as they are hazardous and not intended for recreational use. Nearby and/or adjacent recreational facilities fall under the jurisdiction of private, local or state agencies. Learn more about jetties and why they are unsuitable for recreation at Understanding Coastal Jetties.

Coos Bay North Jetty Repair

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) recognize the North Spit is a valuable resource, jetties are important for safety and repairs will support commerce activities in the area.

The North Jetty has lost a total of 1,121 feet from the jetty’s full authorized length. Since the mid-1990's the beach adjacent to the north jetty has receded landward by hundreds of feet exposing a non-substantial part of the jetty to wave attack and scour.

The Corps plans to repair the North Jetty, to include reconstruction of the head, repair of the trunk and reconstruction of a portion of the root. With reconstruction of a portion of the root, any fill action in Log Spiral Bay (LSB) will be deferred in the short term for monitoring. The effectiveness of the rebuilt jetty root will be monitored to determine if it is managing/reducing erosion on the LSB shoreline. The Corps completed an Environmental Assessment for these repairs and has published a Finding of No Significant Impact to move forward with repairs.

Operations: Coos Bay

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Expand List item 1836Collapse List item 1836  General information

At North Bend there is a municipal dock 649 feet long, about 2,380 feet of privately owned mill docks and three oil receiving terminals.

At Coos Bay there is a privately owned dock that is open to the public, several small landings for fishing and harbor craft and three lumber docks with 1,300-foot, 576-foot, and 500-foot frontages, respectively.

In the North Spit industrial area, there is one woodchip loading facility and a smaller T-dock operated by the Port of Coos Bay.
At Eastside, on Isthmus Slough, there is a 200-foot dock.

At Empire there is a privately owned lumber dock and an oil terminal, owned by Port of Coos Bay, for receipt of petroleum products by barge. A barge slip also owned by the Port was completed in 1986.

At Charleston there are wharves, for receipt of fresh fish and shellfish and a large seafood receiving and processing plant. There are also two municipally owned small-boat basins capable of mooring 250 fishing and recreation craft. Servicing facilities for small craft are available at all facilities and public launching ramps have been constructed by private interests. A privately owned floating moorage on Joe Ney Slough has facilities for mooring about 50 fishing vessels.

At Jordan Cove area there is a dock, 248 feet long, for wood chip ships.

Expand List item 1837Collapse List item 1837  Project description

North Jetty is 9,600 feet long
South Jetty is 3,900 feet long

From the Pacific Ocean to river mile 1 the channel is 700 feet wide and 47 feet deep.
From Coos Bay to Millington there is a channel two miles long, 150 feet wide and 22 feet deep.
From deep water in Coos Bay to Charleston the channel is 3,200 feet long, 150 feet wide and 17 feet deep.

Turning Basins:
At North Bend, Ore., river mile 12 there is a turning basin which is 1,000 feet long, 800 feet wid, and 37 feet deep.
At Coalbank Slough, river mile 14.7, there is a turning basin which is 1,000 feet, 700 feet and 37 feet deep.


Expand List item 6484Collapse List item 6484  Map
Graphic illustration map of Coos Bay
Expand List item 1835Collapse List item 1835  Authorization
Rivers and Harbors Acts of June 25, 1910, March 2, 1919, Sept. 22, 1922, Jan. 21, 1927, July 3, 1930, Aug. 30, 1935, July 24, 1946, June 30, 1948, July 14, 1960, and Dec. 31, 1970.