Building Strong® at Yaquina Bay

2 aerial images of the Yaquina Bay areaYaquina Bay is on the Oregon coast, 113 miles south of the Columbia River mouth.


One of the Corps’ oldest navigation projects on Oregon's coast, Yaquina includes two jetties, several channels, turning and boat basins, and a breakwater.


Yaquina’s north jetty was constructed from 1889 to 1896 to a length of 7,000 feet, extended in 1966 and repaired in 1978, 1988 and 2001. The 8,600 foot south jetty was completed in 1896 and extended 1,800 feet in 1972. Since its construction five groins have been added to the south jetty as well as an 800-foot spur jetty. A breakwater for a small-boat basin on the north shore (a timber structure 2,650 feet long) was authorized in 1946, to protect commercial fishing boats. Congress last modified the project's authorization in 1958, allowing for extending the jetties: a 40-foot-deep, 400-foot-wide entrance channel; a 30-foot-deep, 300-foot-wide bay channel leading to a turning basin at Newport; an 18-foot-deep, 200-foot-wide, 4.5-mile-long channel from Newport to Yaquina; two small-boat basins at Newport; two small-boat turning basins at Newport; and a 1,300-foot-long breakwater to protect the Newport South Beach Marina.


The Corps of Engineers does not maintain recreation facilities at this location. Stay off the jetties as they are hazardous and not intended for recreational use. Nearby recreational facilities fall under the jurisdiction of private, local or state agencies. Learn more about jetties and why they are unsuitable for recreation at Understanding Coastal Jetties.

For more information

Oregon Coastal Harbors pamphlet

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Phone: 503-808-4510

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Operations: Yaquina Bay

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Expand List item 1859Collapse List item 1859  General

The marina, which provides shelter for 232 boats, is maintained by the Port of Newport to a depth of 10 feet. In 1998, sand was removed from approximately 1,000 feet of the south jetty, the jetty was sealed with rock and filter fabric, and the sand was replaced to protect public safety and prevent sand migration through the structure. In 1999, 41,217 tons of displaced jetty stone were removed from the entrance channel to alleviate dangerous navigation conditions.

At McLean Point, on north side of bay, about 2 miles from entrance, Port of Newport has two berths one 435 feet long, the second 520 feet long, capable of serving ocean-going vessels.

Port of Newport has a public wharf with 300 feet of frontage for servicing fishing boats. In addition, Port of Newport maintains 510 berths for mooring commercial and sport fishing vessels. There are several seafood companies on the bay which have their own facilities for handling fresh fish and crab. Supplies and petroleum products are readily available for small vessels.

On south side of bay about 1.2 miles above entrance, Port of Newport has constructed South Beach Marina which can handle approximately 600 pleasure craft and shallow draft fishing boats. Public facilities include public automobile and boat trailer parking, boat launching ramp, fuel dock, a fishing pier and a picnic area.

About 2.0 miles above entrance, Oregon State University, in conjunction with the Marine Science Center on 52 acres, maintains a 220-foot pier for docking large and small research vessels and a 100-foot float for docking small boats. Docking facilitates are restricted to research vessels and State of Oregon small boats.

Expand List item 1861Collapse List item 1861  Project description

North Jetty is 7,000 feet long.
South Jetty is 8,600 feet long.
Spur Jetty off South Jetty is 800 feet long.
Five groins extend out from the south jetty.
Entrance Channel is 4,280 feet long, 400 feet wide, and 40 feet deep.
Thence a channel to McLean Point is 2 miles long, 300 feet wide, and 30 feet deep.
Turning basin at McLean Point is 1,400 feet long, 900-1200 feet wide, and 30 feet deep.
Channel from River Mile 2.4 to Yaquina is 2 miles long, 200 feet wide, and 18 feet deep.

At Newport Boat Basin:
Breakwater is 2,650 feet long.
Shore-wing is 400 feet long.

At South Beach Boat Basin:
Two breakwaters are 1,800 and 700 feet long.
Access channel is 2,035 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.

Expand List item 6475Collapse List item 6475  Map
Graphic illustration map of Yaquina Bay
Expand List item 1860Collapse List item 1860  Authorization
The Rivers and Harbors Acts of June 14, 1880, March 2, 1919, Aug. 26, 1937, March 2, 1945, July 24, 1946, and July 3, 1958.
Section 107 Project:  July 14, 1960.