Master plans improve natural resource management planning strategies and ensure adherence to federal regulations and national goals in a comprehensive and consolidated manner.
Portland District updated the Mid-Columbia River and the Rogue River Basin master plans in 2020. This included an integrated environmental assessment, prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
The master plans and integrated environmental assessments address elements such as hydrology, fish and wildlife resources, ecological setting, cultural resources, and recreation facilities, among many other things. Outdated land classifications, sustainable natural resource management, boundary encroachments, aquatic and terrestrial invasive species management, and federal and state listed threatened and endangered species were also addressed. Updated master plans incorporate public comments and improve natural resource management planning strategies for the next 20 years.
Mid-Columbia River Regional Master Plan
Portland District completed this regional master plan and integrated environmental assessment (EA) for Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day and Willow Creek Projects. These projects begin at Bonneville Lock and Dam at river mile 146 and extend to the upper end of Lake Umatilla at approximately river mile 290. Along this reach, The Dalles Lock & Dam is located at river mile 192, and the John Day Lock & Dam is located at river mile 216.5. Willow Creek Dam is located at river mile 52.4 on Willow Creek, a tributary to the Columbia River at river mile 250. The final master plan and integrated environmental assessment can be downloaded here (please note the document is large and may take some time to download). Additionally, the Environmental Assessment resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) which can be found here.
Rogue River Basin Regional Master Plan
Portland District completed a regional master plan and integrated environmental assessment (EA) for Lost Creek, Applegate, and Elk Creek projects. Lost Creek and Elk Creek projects are approximately 28 miles northeast of Medford, Oregon. Applegate Project is about 28 miles southwest of Medford, Oregon. The final master plan and integrated environmental assessment can be downloaded here (please note the document is large and may take some time to download). Additionally, the Environmental Assessment resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) which can be found here.