The Chetco River flows into the Pacific Ocean at Brookings, Ore., 300 miles south of the mouth of the Columbia River and 345 miles north of San Francisco Bay.
The Chetco River rises in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon at an elevation of 4,000 feet, flows about 51 miles in a circuitous route before emptying into the Pacific Ocean.
The jetties, completed in 1957, and authorized dredging provide channel stabilization over the bar at the mouth of the Chetco River. Rock pinnacles and an abandoned bridge were removed in 1959. Modifications authorized in 1965 and completed in 1969 included an entrance channel 14 feet deep and 120 feet wide, increasing the elevation of the north jetty and extending it 450 feet. Construction of a protective dike, turning basin and small boat access channel was completed in 1970.
The Corps of Engineers does not maintain recreation facilities at this location. Please stay off the jetties as they are hazardous and not intended for recreational use. Nearby and/or adjacent recreational facilities fall under the jurisdiction of private, local or state agencies. Learn more about jetties and why they are unsuitable for recreation at Understanding Coastal Jetties.