The U.S Army Corps of Engineers preserves and protects cultural resources and historic properties by complying with the National Historic Preservation Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and other federal laws and executive orders. We work closely with federal, state, local, and tribal partners to ensure that cultural resources and historic properties are considered early in project planning and that adverse effects are avoided, minimized, or mitigated. We are also responsible for the proper curation of archaeological collections and the repatriation of human remains.
Cultural resources and historic properties can include historically significant buildings, sites, objects, structures, districts, and properties that have religious and cultural significance to Indian tribes. For the Portland District, this includes everything from Bonneville Dam to pile dike systems to petroglyph panels to so much more.
For additional information about tribal consultation and trust resources, visit the Portland District Tribal Relationships page.