U.S. Government Moorings cleanup

The U.S. Government Moorings is located on the west bank of the Willamette River at river mile 6.2, within an area identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a Superfund site under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. 


The Corps began using the site in 1903 for centralized maintenance and as a supply facility. The Moorings currently provides port, supply and repair facilities for the Portland District’s fleet of dredges, hydrosurvey vessels and other support vessels.

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Phone: 503-808-4510

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About this project

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 Proposed upland erodible soil cleanup
Through consultation with EPA, the Corps has determined the most expedient way to eliminate potential soil erosion is a non-time-critical removal action. The Corps’ 2012 Upland Feasibility Study, prepared with EPA oversight, has the necessary information to support the decision.
 Studies and alternatives

The Corps conducted a remedial investigation and screening level risk assessment in 2010 to document the nature and extent of contamination at this site. Several contaminants of concern were found in soil, sediments and groundwater. The Corps is planning actions to prevent further potential environmental threats before long-term cleanup of Portland Harbor is completed; the cleanup of groundwater and sediment contamination will be coordinated with other Portland Harbor cleanup actions.

 Diagram of proposed upland cleanup area
Diagram showing proposed upland cleanup area of U.S. Moorings
 Project stages

Phase I - Upland erodible soil cleanup


Upland Feasibility Study report

Project presentation to Community Action Group

Draft action memo



Final action memo

Action taken


Phase II - Sediment cleanup


Corps action will be part of the larger Portland Harbor Superfund cleanup efforts.