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To comply with federal and state sediment testing requirements and support our Navigation and Environmental missions, the Sediment Quality Team samples many of our federal projects. Upon request, we can determine if there are sediment quality data near a planned project and provide applicable technical reports. 

Questions regarding the availability of sediment quality data can be addressed to the PSET Lead.

For general information call
(503-808-4510) or email

Sediment & Dredged Material Management

The Corps and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency share federal responsibility for the regulation of dredged material within waters of the United States under section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and for the regulation of dredged material in ocean waters under section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act.

The Sediment Quality Team executes the responsibility for sediment characterization, evaluation and management in Portland District, supporting navigation, regulatory and environmental missions. 


Sediment quality evaluation

The Portland District uses the Sediment Evaluation Framework for the Pacific Northwest (May 2018) to ensure that our civil works projects and the projects permitted by the Regulatory Program comply with these acts. The SEF helps federal and state agencies in Washington, Oregon and Idaho evaluate the suitability of dredged material for unconfined, aquatic placement in inland waters, and disposal in ocean waters. It is periodically revised and updated to incorporate the latest technical and scientific advances, and incorporate changes in regional policy.

The Portland Sediment Evaluation Team supports our Navigation, Regulatory and Environmental missions, and ensures that dredging and aquatic habitat restoration projects comply with Clean Water Act and Marine, Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act requirements. The team implements the SEF guidance for the Portland District, ensuring that all Department of the Army-permitted and Corps civil works dredging projects comply with the Clean Water Act and Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. The PSET evaluates dredging projects in the state of Oregon and for Washington public ports along the Columbia River, from the Pacific Ocean to river mile 309, approximately 20 miles upstream of McNary Lock and Dam.

Members of the PSET are available to answer questions, assist in the development of sediment sampling plans and help troubleshoot during field sampling. Questions can be directed to the PSET Lead. The PSET agencies include the Corps (lead), EPA Region 10 (co-lead), Washington Department of Ecology, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

An interagency Regional Sediment Evaluation Team prepared the SEF for use throughout the Pacific Northwest. This team is chaired by the Corps’ Northwestern Division and EPA Region 10.

Dredging projects in the state of Washington are evaluated by the interagency Washington Dredged Material Management Program, chaired by Seattle District's Dredged Material Management Office.

Dredging projects in Northern California are evaluated by the San Francisco District's Dredged Material Management Office.

Ocean dredged materials disposal sites

The EPA and Portland District jointly regulate the dumping of dredged material into ocean waters under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA). Section 102 of the MPRSA authorizes the EPA to designate sites for the purpose of transport and disposal of dredged material. 

EPA-Region 10 and the Portland District jointly manage 14 ocean dredged material disposal sites off of the Oregon and southwest Washington coasts. 

Under section 103 of the MPRSA, permits for the transport and disposal of dredged material are issued by the Portland District (with EPA concurrence). For more information on permitting, contact our regulatory office.