News Stories

Archive: September, 2017
  • September

    Corps reservoirs benefit Willamette Valley swallows

    An unladen purple martin swallow can reach the air-speed velocity of about 24 miles per hour, which may be important information if you’re trying to cross the ‘Bridge of Death’ as you search for the Holy Grail. It’s also probably impossible for that 1.7-ounce bird to carry a 1.2-kilogram coconut, even if he gripped it by the husk (we are checking with the engineering department though).
  • Fall Creek Dam fish fancy future facility

    PORTLAND, Ore. — Construction crews are rebuilding Fall Creek Dam’s Adult Fish Collection Facility southeast of Eugene, Oregon. When complete, the facility will support Portland District’s efforts to meet requirements of the 2008 Willamette Project biological opinions, issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
  • Portland District prepares for Apoc-eclipse, sees minimal impacts

    PORTLAND, Ore. — The recent celestial phenomenon, which passed through Oregon Aug. 21 spread a shadow over more than just the state. The solar eclipse also cast a pall on local, state and federal agencies due to the expected massive influx of visitors to the area. Because of this, government agencies expended energy, time and money to plan for potential emergencies, traffic jams and safety issues. Portland District was no different.
  • Engineers Talk Football

    Engineers from Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, discuss football.

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