News Releases

Archive: October, 2014
  • Environment, sense of community restored at Westmoreland Park

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers partnered with the City of Portland to restore the portion of Crystal Springs Creek that flows through Westmoreland Park in southeast Portland. The Corps removed a man-made duck pond and restored the area to a natural wetland. Restoring ecosystems and improving watershed health are important Corps missions.
  • Corps seeks comments on Fall Creek drawdown

    The Corps is seeking public comments on its draft environmental assessment of downstream fish enhancements for juvenile salmonids at Fall Creek Dam east of Eugene, Ore.
  • Corps extends comment period for Mount St. Helens EIS

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has extended the public comment period to Oct. 21 for a draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Mount St. Helens Long Term Sediment Management Plan.
  • Fern Ridge controlled burn may impact Highway 126

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers alerts motorists in the Eugene, Ore., area that a controlled ecological burn planned for southeast of Fern Ridge Reservoir today may cause intermittent delays to traffic on Oregon State Highway 126 between Eugene and Veneta.

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