The Portland District regulatory office is minimally staffed due to the lapse in government funding. The Corps will be unable to evaluate individual permit applications, pre-construction notifications for nationwide permit or regional general permit authorizations, or requests for jurisdictional determinations until after funding is received and offices reopen.
During the closure, if an emergency activity impacting waters or wetlands in Oregon requires a Department of the Army permit, call 503-808-4380 or email
Those applying for nationwide permit authorizations are reminded that proposed nationwide permit activities that require pre-construction notifications must wait 45 days before beginning the activity. Note that certain nationwide permit pre-construction notifications require a written response from the Corps before beginning the nationwide permit activity, including:
- Nationwide permit activities that might affect listed species or designated critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act
- Nationwide permit activities with the potential to affect historic properties
- Activities authorized by nationwide permits 21, 49 and 50
These nationwide permit pre-construction notifications will not be processed until regulatory offices reopen. For more information, see nationwide permit general condition 18 (endangered species), and NWP general condition 20 (historic properties).
Prospective applicants should ensure proposed activities comply with all nationwide permit terms and conditions, including regional conditions. They must also obtain other required authorizations, such as Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification or waiver if the proposed activity involves a discharge into waters of the United States, or Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence or waiver if the proposed activity occurs in the coastal zone, prior to conducting nationwide permit activities.
Regional conditions imposed on the 2012 nationwide permits are posted at
Prospective applicants should ensure all proposed nationwide permit activities comply with all terms and conditions of any nationwide permit as well as obtaining other required authorizations, including a Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification or waiver if the proposed activity involves a discharge into waters of the United States, or Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence or presumption of concurrence, if the proposed activity occurs in the coastal zone. Authorizations must be obtained before beginning regulated activities in waters of the United States.