Public Notices

Archive: May, 2023
  • Public Comment Period Open for Long Tom Channel Improvement Project

    Expiration date: 6/30/2023

    The Corps is proposing modifications to the Long Tom Channel Improvement Project in Benton County, OR. The Recommended Plan, total removal of the Monroe Drop Structure, would restore approximately 43 acres of aquatic and floodplain habitat, enhance connectivity to a historic meander through installation of a larger culvert and engineered pool and riffle structure, and armoring of the OR-99 bridge piers to prevent scour caused by increased velocities upstream of the drop structure.
  • Bradford Island Advisory Board to meet again June 13

    The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is announcing the next Bradford Island Federal Facility National Priorities List Site Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) hybrid meeting to be held June 13, from 5-7 p.m.