Public Notices

Draft EA: Caspian tern predation management in the Lower Columbia River Estuary

Published April 24, 2013

Public Notice

Issue Date: April 24, 2013

Expiration Date: May 04, 2013


Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District is seeking public comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment-Adaptively Manage Predation on Caspian Terns in the Lower Columbia River Estuary (Corps, April 2013). 

For the last three nesting seasons (2010-2012) productivity for the tern colony on East Sand Island has been at an all time low. In 2011 the colony did not produce a single fledgling. In the last few years, this loss of productivity is attributed primarily to glaucous-winged/western gulls, a hybrid species on the island, consuming the eggs and chicks of Caspian terns after bald eagles flush adults from the colony.

Resource managers are concerned the terns may abandon the colony and seek new habitat for nesting on nearby islands (Rice Island and Miller Sands Spit) in the lower Columbia River Estuary, where consumption impacts on juvenile salmon would be greater. The Corps is considering actions in the draft EA to reduce the potential of this from happening.


Environmental Documents: A draft Environmental Assessment is available for public review and comment. It can be found on the Portland District website at:


Comments: Please send any comments on the draft EA noting the reference number, to the Corps no later than the expiration date of the public notice for it to become part of the administrative record. Written comments should be mailed to the following address:


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District

ATTN: CENWP-PM-E; Elisa Carlsen

P.O. Box 2946

Portland, OR  97208-2946


Or by e-mail to: