News Releases

Tag: Green Peter Dam
  • Deep reservoir drawdown at Green Peter Dam causes ‘barotrauma,’ death for thousands of kokanee salmon

    The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife determined that the fish died from barotrauma, a condition caused by a rapid pressure reduction as fish pass from deep below the surface on one side of the dam to the other side near the surface level. Among divers, this decompression effect is known as “the bends.”
  • Green Peter Dam less risky after extensive studies, rehab and assessment

    After years of extensive studies, a risk assessment and recent rehabilitation of spillway gates, officials re-classify Green Peter Dam, near Sweet Home, Ore., as a Low Risk dam. Recent rehabilitation of the spillway tainter gates for trunnion friction and overall reliability have improved the risk characterization. These efforts along with a detailed review of the dam’s hazards, performance and consequences, helped decrease risks from the last assessment, which rated Green Peter as a High Risk dam.

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