News Releases

Road and areas at Cape Disappointment State Park will remain closed to the public due to North Jetty construction activity

Published Oct. 30, 2018

PORTLAND, Ore. – Public access to the North Jetty, North Jetty Road and nearby parking lots at Cape Disappointment State Park will remain closed through the winter, until Nov. 19, 2019.

The Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is working to restore the North Jetty, expected to reopen the closed areas Nov. 1, 2018 to Mar. 16, 2019 while construction activity paused for the winter. However, closures will, instead, remain in effect for public safety as some construction activity continues, even while the stone placement itself is paused. Benson and Waikiki beaches are not affected by these repairs and will remain open during all construction activities.

Portland District is restoring the North Jetty as part of the Mouth of the Columbia River Jetty System Major Rehabilitation Project. The Corps constructed the MCR jetty system between 1885 and 1939. The system consists of three rubble-mound jetties: North Jetty, South Jetty and Jetty A. The jetties, which together total 9.7 miles in length, minimize navigation channel maintenance and make passage safer for vessels transiting between the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia River.

Learn about the closures and the rehabilitation of the MCR jetties at

Jeffrey Henon

Release no. 18-115

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