News Releases

Dorena Reservoir water levels to increase during hydrosurvey

Published May 31, 2017

PORTLAND, Ore. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will increase Dorena Reservoir water levels from May 31 to June 9 to conduct hydrographic surveys throughout the reservoir.

The pool will be held up to one foot higher during the surveys (from 832.5 to 833 feet). Some marina facilities may lose functionality or become unsafe at the 833 foot elevation level.

Facility operators have been notified.

Public safety is the Corps’ first priority and it urges Dorena Reservoir users to be alert for submerged hazards that may not be obvious due to high water, as well as being aware of floating debris.

The Corps will use the data to maintain the proper storage capacity tables, which will enable the Corps to manage water intake at the reservoir during flood months.

For questions or concerns, please contact Park Manager Tami Schroeder at 541-942-5631.

Tom Conning

Release no. 17-016

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