Revised Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’; Conforming was published in the Federal Register on September 8, 2023. View the Corps announcement 8 September 2023 - EPA and the Army Issue Final Rule to Amend 2023 Rule and related announcements about Waters of the United States (WOTUS) on the the USACE Headquarters Regulatory Announcements page.

Regulatory Program Notices

Below are regulatory announcements, in chronological order, which are both current and historical. Current announcements provide information regarding ongoing regulatory processes and happenings. Historical announcements remain posted, as long as they remain up-to-date and applicable, to provide the public with a transparent record of changes and improvements to our program.   Regulatory image of trees over a creek

Public Notice Distribution List Updates

Portland District
Published Feb. 5, 2024
Expiration date: 3/6/2024

Interested parties are hereby notified the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) is updating our list of individuals and organizations interested in receiving notification of Regulatory Branch non-project specific and standard individual permit public notices. The Regulatory Branch issues public notices soliciting public comments on proposed projects requiring standard individual permits issued by the Department of the Army, also known as Corps permits, as well as non-project specific public notices announcing Regulatory Branch updates.

Electronic versions of public notices will be emailed, as an attachment, to those individuals and organizations who request to be on our electronic distribution lists. The notices will also be available on the Portland District’s web page at

The Regulatory Branch will continue to provide notice of public notice availability to property owners adjacent to proposed projects subject to standard individual permits, and individuals who do not have access to the internet or email. These notifications include a paper copy of the public notice with all attachments through the U.S. mail.

The Portland District Regulatory Branch has jurisdiction over the state of Oregon, southern Washington ports, and restoration projects in the Columbia River estuary funded by the Bonneville Power Administration. Public Notice distribution lists for proposed projects are organized by the states of Oregon and Washington, as well as Oregon counties, communities, and watersheds. We can notify you of proposed projects subject to standard individual permit review in the state of Oregon, the Portland District’s area of jurisdiction in the state of Washington, or in any or all Oregon counties, communities, or watersheds.

As we update our distribution lists, we are requesting the following replies to this Public Notice. Those who do not confirm within 30 days from the date of this Public Notice may be removed from our distribution lists.

For all current recipients: Update your contact information, as applicable. We have developed a sheet (attached below) to aid you in this process.

For current recipients of email notifications: Let us know if you would like to change your notification request list. Please see the attached sheet (below) which lists regions of public notices you can request. Also, please ensure that your email account will accept our emails (i.e., not subject to SPAM blockers, Public Notice Distribution List Updates Page 2 of 2 require verification, etc.). If we receive returned emails as undeliverable, your email address will be deleted from our distribution lists.

For current recipients of conventional mail notification (also known as hard copies): Confirm that you would like to continue to receive hard copies of Regulatory Branch public notices or would prefer to receive public notices via email. We strongly encourage those that are currently receiving hard copies to send us your email address to receive electronic copies of Corps public notices. This is a more efficient process which saves time and resources. The attached sheet (below) is available for your response.

For all individuals not yet on the Portland District Regulatory Branch distribution lists: Request to be added to our distribution lists, via email or mail.

If you know of anyone not receiving this Public Notice who would be interested in receiving our public notices, please share this Public Notice with them or forward them to our webpage at where they may obtain a copy of this document and attached sheet. The sheet is preaddressed, but you will have to fold, secure it with tape, and add postage. Responses may be submitted by conventional mail or email to the following mailing address or email address:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Eugene Field Office
Susan Faville
211 E 7th Avenue, Suite 105
Eugene, Oregon 97401-2763