The John Day Mitigation program was originally authorized to offset mainstem fall Chinook production losses that resulted from construction of The Dalles and John Day dams. The program objective is to produce sufficient juvenile fall Chinook salmon to support an escapement of 30,000 returning adults.
The purpose of the Post-Authorization Change Report is to document the need and justification for modifications to the authorized John Day Mitigation Program. An additional purpose of this report is to determine if recommended modifications are consistent with the current authorization or if specific authorizing language is required for implementation.
The Independent External Peer Review will focus on the new information provided in the PACR and the Environmental Assessment. The purpose of the IEPR is to analyze the adequacy and acceptability of economic, engineering, and environmental methods, models, data and analyses.
The Chief of Engineer’s response to the independent panel’s peer review report is currently under development, and will be posted and distributed within 10 days of completion and signature.