During October, November and December, the water levels of Lake Celilo, located between The Dalles and John Day dams, will likely fluctuate between elevation 262.0 and 266.5 feet. The lake could reach as low as 257 feet or as high as 268 feet to help contain water if the region experiences a large (unlikely but possible) winter flood.
The Corps manages water levels to allow it to hold or release water, primarily to provide appropriate water levels for spawning salmon downstream of Bonneville Dam. (Only John Day Dam can store water; The Dalles and Bonneville dams are run-of-river dams, meaning the flow coming into the dam is the same as is going past it.) We also manage water to allow the Corps and BPA to have greater system flexibility, allowing them to better react to electricity needs during the winter months.
If the higher pool levels cause, or are expected to cause problems for individuals and businesses, please notify us at