Public Notices

Temporary closure: Bonneville Dam Navigation Lock

Published Sept. 17, 2012
Public Notice No.: OD-TS-12-04
Date: Sept. 17, 2012
Contact: Bill Nielsen
Phone: 503-808-4332

Bonneville Dam Navigation Lock Temporary Closure

Please be advised that the navigation lock located at Bonneville Lock and Dam, Columbia River Mile Marker 145, shall be closed on 22 Sept 2012 from 0800 – 1200 hours in order to perform final stretching of a cable which was installed during an earlier maintenance effort.

Vessel owner/operators requesting lockage shall contact the lock operator on duty using Marine Channel 14 or commercial telephone:

Bonneville Lock and Dam
Chief Operator on Duty

Lockages at the other Portland District navigation locks, The Dalles Lock and Dam at Columbia River Mile 191 and The John Day Lock and Dam at Columbia River Mile 216, shall maintain normal operations during this date and time period.