Public Notices

Public Information Session for Columbia River Turning Basin Improvements Feasibility Study - July 18, 2024

Portland District
Published July 2, 2024
The map shows the study area for the project from river mile 59 through 81 of the Columbia River with the Ports of Kalama and Longview where improvement are being considered.

The Corps has developed a Draft IFR/EA to evaluate alternatives to enhance navigation in the lower Columbia River. The study area is found completely within the Columbia River and includes approximately 14 river miles starting at the Port of Longview anchorage area (RM 63) to Lower Martin Bar (RM 77). The project is needed to improve safety, reduce access restrictions, increase efficiency by maximizing capacity, and meet the navigation needs of the Columbia River system users.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is seeking public comment on the Draft Columbia River Turning Basin Improvements Feasibility Study - Environmental Assessment (IFR-EA). The Corps, in partnership with the Port of Longview and the Port of Kalama, is proposing improvements to turning basins and navigation features in the lower Columbia River to improve navigation efficiency and accommodate larger, deeper-drafting vessels. The Corps will accept comments during a 30-day public review period and will hold a virtual public information session on July 18, 2024, via video link. The meeting will include a presentation describing the proposed action and the findings of the Draft IFR-EA.

Via video link:
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 P.M.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Corps has developed a Draft IFR/EA to evaluate alternatives to enhance navigation in the lower Columbia River. The study area is found completely within the Columbia River and includes approximately 14 river miles starting at the Port of Longview anchorage area (RM 63) to Lower Martin Bar (RM 77). The project is needed to improve safety, reduce access restrictions, increase efficiency by maximizing capacity, and meet the navigation needs of the Columbia River system users.

As a result of the deepening of the Federal Navigation Channel (FNC), starting in 2011, vessels have been using the ability to draft greater than the previous channel depth of -40 feet (ft) Columbia River datum (CRD), allowing for efficiencies in transportation costs. The turning basin at RM 66.5, adjacent to the Port of Longview, is shallower than the -43-foot CRD Columbia River FNC, resulting in vessel size and loading restrictions. This turning basin is overutilized and insufficient for larger vessels, which creates loading delays. Vessels are required to travel further upstream or downstream to turn, creating increased ship traffic, safety concerns, higher emissions, more pilot utilization, more tug time, and higher costs.

The study focuses on developing an integrated plan to address navigation inefficiencies, potential structural improvements, and identifying potential impacts from the proposed measures, which include dredging, installation of anchor buoys, and future maintenance.

The Non-Federal Sponsors on the project are the Ports of Longview and Kalama. The feasibility study is authorized under Section 201 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020, P.L. 116-260, and Section 101(b)(13) of WRDA 1999, P.L. 106-53.

IFR/EA INFORMATION: The 30-day public comment will run from July 3, 2024, to August 3, 2024. Information about the Draft IFR-EA may be found at:

The Draft IFR-EA may be viewed or downloaded from this site.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COMMENTS: Comments regarding the Draft IFR-EA may be sent to Laura Hicks, Project Manager, at, or to the address below. Mailed comments should be sent to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Portland
Attn: CENWP-PM, Laura Hicks
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946

Video Recording of Public Information Session

Columbia River Turning Basin Improvements Feasibility Study and EA Public Info Session - 7/18/24