Public Notices

Draft EA: Willamette Basin Dams Reservoir Restrictions

Published Feb. 21, 2020


Willamette Basin Dams Reservoir Restrictions

15-Day Notice  

Issue Date: February 21, 2020
Closing Date: March 9, 2020

Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (USACE) is seeking public comment on the Willamette Basin Dams Reservoir Restrictions draft Environmental Assessment (EA). The draft EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality’s NEPA regulations (40 C.F.R. parts 1500-1508), and the Corps’ NEPA regulations (33 C.F.R. part 230).  

USACE is proposing to implement simultaneous pool restrictions at two of the WVP dams; maximum fill of 1531 feet at Hills Creek and maximum fill of 921 feet at Lookout Point, which currently operate with a maximum fill of 1541 feet and 926 feet, respectively.  USACE has studied potential interim risk reduction measures (IRRM’s) as ways to reduce the life safety risks associated with seismic loadings in combination with high reservoir elevations at the time of loading.  Because of the potential for large consequences associated with dam failure, action to reduce risk is warranted.  

The proposed action is located in the Willamette River Basin, the action area or the project includes the reservoirs behind both Hills Creek and Lookout Point dams as well as downstream of both dams. The reservoir restrictions do not include consent for construction of any new facilities or changes to operations outside of the action alternative restrictions. 

Assessment of the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement: USACE has preliminarily determined the proposed action is not likely to result in significant effects on the human environment, and therefore an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be prepared. USACE will consider comments received during the 15-day comment period for the draft EA in making a determination on a finding of no significant impact. 

Environmental Document:  The draft EA is available for download at:

Public Comment Period: The draft EA will be available for public comment for 15 days after the date of this public notice. The public comment period is intended to provide those interested in or affected by this action an opportunity to make their concerns or comments known. 

Comment Submittal: Please submit written comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District by March 9, 2020. Written comments may be sent via email to: or sent via mail to: 

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
Attn: CENWP-PME-E/Jess Jones 
P.O. Box 2946 
Portland, OR 97208-2946  

All comments received will become part of the administrative record and are subject to public release under the Freedom of Information Act, including any personally identifiable information such as name, phone numbers, and addresses.

In your response, please include in the subject line: Willamette Basin Dams Reservoir Restrictions EA Comment and the date.