Public Notices

Submitting Permit Applications Electronically

Published Dec. 27, 2018

Submitting Permit Applications Electronically

Point of Contact: Carrie Bond
Phone: (503) 808-4387
Issue Date: December 26, 2018

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Portland District, Regulatory Branch has been accepting permit applications electronically since August 2016 for all counties in Oregon and for those ports in Washington that obtain permits from the Portland District.

Update - Electronic Submittals (For Files >10 MB)
We previously published a special public notice entitled “Paperless Transition” directing you to use the SAFE AMRDEC file exchange website to submit electronic documents larger than 10 megabytes (MB). This website is currently inactive, and may remain inactive indefinitely.

The Corps requests that you contact your county Project Manager (PM) at the link below to submit files larger than 10 MB to the Portland District, Regulatory Branch. We can send you information to use another file exchange site. You can also mail a CD or DVD with the files to the appropriate Regulatory office (see mailing addresses below). Do not send an external USB drive (thumb drive).

Reminder - Process for Electronic Submittals
Please email your permit applications, permit modification requests, and jurisdictional determination requests (with wetland delineations) to the following email address: All documents should be formatted as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.  You will receive a receipt notification email with the project number and the PM assigned to your project. Once a PM is assigned, you may email additional items directly to the PM, or follow the instructions above for files larger than 10 MB.

If you do not receive a receipt notification email after 5 working days from the date of your electronic permit application submission, please contact your county PM.

You can find contact information for your county PM on the map at this link:

Addresses to Mail CDs and DVDS:

Portland Office #1:
USACE Portland District
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946

Portland Office #2:
USACE Portland District
333 SW 1st Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204-3440

Eugene Office:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Eugene Field Office
211 E. Seventh Avenue, Suite 105
Eugene, Oregon 97401-2722