Multi-Agency Informational Meeting
Issue Date: April 13, 2018
This event is an opportunity for consultants, and other members of the public to learn about recent and upcoming changes in the Corps Regulatory program and to meet informally with regulatory project managers, program managers and supervisors. Representatives from Department of State Lands, Department of Environmental Quality, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U. S. Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest will also be in attendance.
The Corps will provide information regarding receiving authorization for in-water work, streamlining permit reviews and enforcement and compliance.
Bethany Harrington of the Department of State Lands will be in attendance to cover the State’s Fill-Removal permitting process. Jerry Cordova from U.S Fish and Wildlife Service will present information on Oregon spotted frog and their habitats. Tom Walker with the US Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest will be in attendance to discuss coordination when a proposed project is within designated Wild and Scenic River corridors. Sara Christensen at Department of Environmental Quality will provide updates on the Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Program, including new stormwater guidance.
There will be brief welcoming remarks and introductions, announcements and presentations and some time for informal conversations.
When: Thursday May 3, 2018
9:00 am to noon
Where: Deschutes County Services Building
Barnes and Sawyer Room
1300 NW Wall St., Bend, Oregon 97703
For questions regarding regulatory permitting in Deschutes, Douglas, Crook and Jefferson counties, contact:
Anita Andazola
Phone: 541-465-6894
For questions regarding Compliance and Enforcement in Benton, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Harney, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Lake, Lane, Linn, Klamath, Malheur and Marion counties, contact:
Marcia Heer
Phone: 541-756-5316