Re-Issue Date: January 8, 2018
Point of Contact: Carrie Bond
Phone: (503) 808-4387
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Portland District, Regulatory Branch accepts permit applications electronically. The use of electronic communications and digital information processing reduces transmittal delays and improves the timeliness of the permit process. Electronic submittals are preferred. However, if an Applicant does not have the means to submit electronically, a hard copy will be accepted.
Process for Electronic Submissions: Please email your permit applications, permit modification requests, and jurisdictional determination requests (with wetland delineations) to the following email address: All documents should be formatted as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. You will receive a receipt notification e-mail with the project number and the Project Manager (PM) assigned to your project. Once a PM is assigned, you may e-mail additional items directly to the PM, or use the file exchange site described below for files larger than 10 megabytes (MB).
If you do not receive a receipt notification e-mail after 5 working days from the date of your electronic permit application submission, please contact your Corps representative. You can find contact information for your Corps representative by looking up the county where your project is located on the map at this link:
Submitting Large Files: If you need to submit file(s) larger than 10 MB, you will need to either 1) use the Corps file exchange site described below or 2) mail a CD or DVD with the files to the appropriate office. Instructions for the file exchange site are as follows:
To Access the Corps file exchange site, visit the following URL: At the site, click the blue box on the right side under “Non-CAC Users” that says “Click Here”. You will be prompted to enter your name and e-mail address and to upload your files. You will also need to add a description of the file(s) and a recipient e-mail address. For initial submittals, the recipient must be: Please DO NOT make the recipient the Project Manager or copy the PM. This causes confusion and delay with in-processing. There are options to set a deletion date (maximum is 14 days), encrypt the e-mail message when possible, and receive notifications of when file downloads are started and completed. Once the required fields on this page are filled out, click “Upload”. You will then be prompted to agree or disagree to the SAFE usage policy. Click “I Agree” to continue. You will receive a confirmation e-mail, which requires you to confirm your e-mail address. NOTE: If you are a first time user, your files cannot be downloaded by the recipient until you verify your e-mail address. Follow the link in the e-mail and use the password in the e-mail to confirm your e-mail address. Once your e-mail address is verified, the uploaded files will be sent to the intended recipient.
Once you have an established Corps project number and Project Manager, additional information can be submitted electronically directly to the PM. Please reference your Corps project number in all correspondence.
Receiving Electronic Correspondence from the Corps: The Corps will send only e-mail correspondence (which includes the permit or other decision letter) unless you specifically request hard copy correspondence.
Non-Electronic Submissions and Correspondence: The Corps recognizes not all Applicants have the ability to coordinate electronically. The Corps will continue to accept hard copies of permit applications and other correspondence by regular mail. Hard copies should be mailed to the Portland District office or Eugene field office, as appropriate, at one of the following addresses:
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 2946
PORTLAND OR 97208-2946
Physical Address:
333 SW 1st Ave
PORTLAND OR 97204-3440
211 E. Seventh Avenue, Suite 105
EUGENE OR 97401-2722