News Releases

Archive: September, 2017
  • Plan for future of flood fight at Mount St. Helens open for comment

    The Corps is seeking public comments on proposed updates to its decades-old long-term sediment management plan for Mount St. Helens. It has been fighting erosion at the volcano since 1980, when a catastrophic eruption dropped more than three billion cubic yards of sediment into the Toutle River, threatening neighboring communities.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 30

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it will waive day use fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches at its recreation areas nationwide in recognition of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 30.
  • Corps awards trout supply contract

    Desert Springs Trout Farm of Summer Lake, Oregon, was awarded a nearly $1.3 million contract by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to supply trout to offset the impacts of dams in the Willamette Valley, the agency announced today. Desert Springs has experience providing live fish to the state and delivering to water bodies throughout Oregon. They have worked with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in the past and are familiar with the state’s permitting process and standards for fish production.
  • Planning launches for maintaining reliable Columbia River navigation channel

    Planning begins on an environmental impact statement and maintenance plan to ensure the Lower Columbia River Federal Navigation Channel is maintained and operational for another 20 years.
  • Corps hosts Sept. 13 Public Scoping Meeting in Coos Bay

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting an open house-style public scoping meeting about the environmental review of the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay’s proposed modifications to the Federal Navigation Channel.
  • Corps, ODFW sign hatchery contracts

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued two contracts recently to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for the operation of five hatcheries and the production of salmon and steelhead to offset impacts of the Corps’ dams in Oregon.

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