News Releases

Tag: water level
  • Fern Ridge Reservoir water levels to decrease

    The Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will increase releases from Fern Ridge Reservoir beginning Monday. Outflows from the dam will gradually increase for the next three weeks. The Corps anticipates water levels in Fern Ridge will drop to 371 feet by September 10, 370.5 feet by September 17 and 369.5 feet by September 24. This will increase flows downstream by about half a foot each week at the Long Tom River gage at Monroe. In October, the Corps will continue to adjust flows to drawdown the reservoir for winter flood-season operations.
  • Water levels upstream of John Day Dam may remain high through December

    Water levels upstream of the John Day Dam may remain high during November and December to provide additional storage for power generation and river operations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced. Actual reservoir elevations in November and December could vary between 262.0 feet and 266.5 feet, but will likely stay above 264 feet most of the time.

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