News Releases

Tag: Rogue
  • 9,200 buckets later, Corps dredging halfway complete at Gold Beach

    A giant bucket – the size of a 1970s Volkswagen bus – swings through the air after it gobbles up 20 cubic yards of gravel blocking (shoaling-in) access to parts of the Port of Gold Beach, Ore. The small community on the southern coast, where the Rogue River meets the Pacific Ocean, doesn’t have much, but it has a port that sees upwards of 35,000 visitors per year for jet boat tours and averages 75-100 fishing boats a day, according to port officials.
  • Fish hatchery power problems continue, likely impacting more brood years

    Army engineers and biologists expect power problems at Cole M. Rivers hatchery, in southern Oregon, to impact at least one additional brood year of fish. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) officials had earlier hoped the power failure to only affect one brood year.
  • Logging temporarily closes parts of Lost Creek Lake recreation areas

    Upcoming logging will temporarily close Four Corners and Fire Glen campgrounds, as well as nearby portions of the Rogue River Trail, Mar. 1 – Apr. 30, 2021 at Lost Creek Lake.
  • Corps lifts restrictions at campgrounds in Rogue and Willamette valleys

    Campgrounds at Lost Creek, Cottage Grove, Dorena and Lookout Point lakes will open Thursday, June 11.
  • Corps eases restrictions at additional recreation sites ahead of Memorial Day weekend

    To keep in line with state and federal guidelines, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District is opening several recreation sites at Lost Creek Lake ahead of Memorial Day weekend. Additional recreation sites at The Dalles Lock and Dam will open Wednesday, May 27.
  • Corps, ODFW sign hatchery contracts

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued two contracts recently to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for the operation of five hatcheries and the production of salmon and steelhead to offset impacts of the Corps’ dams in Oregon.
  • Riversedge Park now open for wedding and group reservations

    Riversedge Park is a popular Corps of Engineers recreation area on the banks of the Rogue River just downstream from William Jess Dam and Lost Creek Lake. The park’s pavilion can now be reserved for group events, including weddings and wedding receptions.

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