News Releases

Tag: Mount St. Helens
  • Plan for future of flood fight at Mount St. Helens open for comment

    The Corps is seeking public comments on proposed updates to its decades-old long-term sediment management plan for Mount St. Helens. It has been fighting erosion at the volcano since 1980, when a catastrophic eruption dropped more than three billion cubic yards of sediment into the Toutle River, threatening neighboring communities.
  • Corps answers questions about sediment from Mount St. Helens

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a public informational meeting to discuss its draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Mount St. Helens Long Term Sediment Management Plan.
  • Corps awards Mount St. Helens SRS spillway contract

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a $4.5 million contract July 18 to raise the spillway crest elevation of the existing Sediment Retention Structure at Mount St. Helens to LKE Corp. of Washougal, Wash.

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