News Releases

Corps invites volunteers to improve Foster Lake

Published Sept. 11, 2015
PORTLAND, Ore. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites volunteers to roll up their sleeves and devote Saturday morning, Sept. 26 to improving the parks, shoreline and trail around Foster Lake near Sweet Home, Oregon.

This volunteer project supports National Public Lands Day (, the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort for America’s public lands. The Foster Lake event is co-sponsored by the Corps, Linn County Parks, U.S. Forest Service and Sweet Home Trails Group.

Volunteer orientation will begin at 9 a.m. at the Sunnyside Park day-use shelter. Work at various locations around the lake will be completed by 1 p.m. Volunteers should wear sturdy closed-toe shoes and long pants. Gloves, tools and water will be provided, and the Sweet Home Trails Group will serve lunch to all participants following the work party.

Volunteers are also invited to camp free at Sunnyside Campground the night of the event, and will receive a pass good for free entry any day during the next year at sites managed by the Corps, National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or Bureau of Land Management.

Volunteers should RSVP by Friday, Sept. 18 to the Corps’ park ranger office at (541) 942-5631.  Volunteers who would like to camp free at Sunnyside Campground after the event should pre-register with the Linn County Parks office at 541-967-3917.
Scott Clemans

Release no. 15-038

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