News Releases

Geocache with a park ranger at The Dalles Lock and Dam Visitor Center Sept. 12

Published Sept. 3, 2015
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosts many geocaching sites at its recreation areas. Check with your local Corps recreation area for more information

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosts many geocaching sites at its recreation areas. Check with your local Corps recreation area for more information

PORTLAND, ORE. – Enjoy an afternoon walk, geocache style, and learn about local history while treasure hunting at The Dalles Lock and Dam Visitor Center Sept. 12.

Park rangers will provide assistance and introduce newcomers to this popular hide-and-seek game between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. The event is open to all geocache skill levels, but is designed for beginners and families. All participants will receive treasures from each cache and a certificate of completion.

Visitors are encouraged to bring their own GPS units or smart phones, although a limited supply of GPS units will be available for participants to check out. For more information about geocaching visit and learn about the Corps’ geocaching policy at

The Dalles Dam Visitor Center and Seufert Park are located just north of Interstate 84 at exit 87.  Turn east onto Bret Clodfelter Way and follow the road to the visitor center.  For more information please contact The Dalles Lock and Dam Ranger Office at 541-506-7857 or visit

Diana Fredlund

Release no. 15-035

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