News Releases

Corps places Coyote Island Terminal permit application review on hold

Published Sept. 15, 2014

PORTLAND, Ore. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has placed on hold its review of Coyote Island Terminals, LLC’s application for a Department of the Army permit to construct a shipping terminal facility on the Columbia River at the Port of Morrow near Boardman, Ore.

The Corps’ Portland District has elected to pause its review process because the Oregon Department of State Lands has denied authorization of the shipping terminal construction activity.  DSL’s decision is being appealed.

Portland District Commander Col. Jose Aguilar has determined that continuing the District’s evaluation at this time is inappropriate, given that it is unknown whether required state authorization will be subsequently granted, and a substantial amount of work is still required for the Corps to process its application to a conclusion.

If the state later grants authorization for the project to continue, Coyote Island Terminals, LLC can request that the Corps resume its permit application review.

For more information about the Corps’ Coyote Island Terminal permit application review, please visit

Scott Clemans

Release no. 14-053

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