News Releases

Sellwood area construction impacts traffic on Tacoma Street

Published May 29, 2013

PORTLAND, ORE. – Traffic on a portion of S.E. Tacoma Street at 21st Avenue near Crystal Springs Creek will be impacted starting in June, when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers begins work to replace the culvert under Tacoma.


Beginning June 10, drivers should expect traffic delays and lane closures as the Corps begins mobilizing equipment and preparing the construction site. In July travel lanes will be narrower and shifted to one side of the street, while half of the culvert is constructed on the other (see map).  Other impacts include:

• Pedestrian traffic detours
• S.E. 21st Avenue at Tenino Street will be closed to through traffic; local access only
• Street parking will be limited and prohibited in work zones
• Equipment and materials will be stored on the street after hours
• Work hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday; some work may be required on Sunday


Parking in the immediate area will also be restricted and access to some residences and businesses will be impacted. See the attached map for details. Construction equipment and workers will be in the area through October 2013.


The Corps and the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services are working together to restore a portion of Crystal Springs Creek in an effort to improve fish habitat and passage.  Culvert replacement is a key element of recovery of juvenile salmon and trout species. To learn more about this project go to

Michelle Helms

Release no. 13-032

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