News Releases

Environmental Assessment for Boardman City Water Facility Expansion

Portland District, Corps of Engineers
Published Oct. 8, 2021

Beginning today, the public has 15 days to comment on Portland District’s Environmental Assessment (EA) for a Boardman, Ore. proposed water facility expansion.  

The planned water system improvement project is on approximately four acres within a 128-acre lot owned by the Corps. A portion of the city’s water system is located within the existing 1.68-acre easement from the Corps. The city needs to acquire an additional three acres to complete needed water system improvements.  

Portland District has determined that construction is not likely to result in significant impacts on the human environment, and therefore an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be prepared. The draft EA is available for public comment through October 22, 2021.

Public comments are intended to provide those interested in or affected by this action an opportunity to make their concerns or comments known. All comments, whether by conventional mail or email, must be received no later than October 22, 2021 to ensure consideration and will become part of the public record. The Corps will respond to public comments in the final EA.

The draft EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality’s NEPA regulations, and the Corps’ NEPA regulations.

The draft EA can be found here:

The public notice can be found here: 

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Portland District’s 150th Birthday: Portland District is one of the nation’s most comprehensive and diverse civil works programs and has been supporting the people of Oregon and southwest Washington since 1871. Throughout its 150-year history, the District has been operating locks and dams along the Columbia River, managing flood risks in the Willamette Valley and Rogue River Basin, maintaining Oregon's coastal waterways for navigation, and leading the Nation in hydropower generation. The team of more than 1,400 civil servants manage these missions all while ensuring equal attention is paid to environmental protection and restoration, fish and wildlife enhancement, and world-class recreation opportunities.

John L. Morgan
(910)-273-7597 (cell)

Release no. 21-036

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