News Releases

Closure Updates at Lost Creek Lake and Elk Creek

Published Aug. 20, 2018

PORTLAND, Ore. – Jackson County officials have lowered the evacuation status in most of the Lost Creek Lake area. In response, the Corps has reopened the following recreation areas along HWY 62 and Lewis Rd:

  • Big Butte Creek and Viewpoint Mike Trailhead
  • McGregor Park Fishing Access
  • Spillway Fishing Access
  • Medco Fishing Access
  • Peyton Bridge Trailhead
  • Catfish Cove Day Use Area
  • Lewis Rd Trailhead
  • Fire Glen Campground


The following U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recreation areas off Elk Creek Rd. and Takelma Dr. remain closed to accommodate the Incident Command Team as they continue to fight the Miles Fire:


  • All of Elk Creek
  • McGregor Park, Visitor Center, Bridge Hole and surrounding fishing areas
  • Cole M. Rivers Fish Hatchery
  • McGregor Boat Ramp
  • River's Edge Park and Picnic Shelter
  • Rogue River Basin Project Office, the dam and surrounding fishing areas
  • Takelma Day Use and Boat Ramp areas
  • Takelma Rd. North of Takelma Boat Ramp
  • Four Corners Campground
  • Lost Creek Trailhead


Joseph Stewart State Park, the Lost Creek Marina, and Casey State Park remain open. Please note: Evacuation status levels apply to residences only and do not imply the opening of a Corps park or facility. 

Follow the Lost Creek Lake Facebook page ( for up-to-date information on the wildfires and closures. For more information, call the Rogue project at 541-878-2255 or email

Lauren Bennett

Release no. 18-042

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