News Releases

  • Uncle Sam wants you – to get vaccinated

    In an effort to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations in their communities, Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers employees have been sharing their vaccination stories.
  • Winter recreational lock schedule begins September 30 on Lower Columbia

    Motorized recreational boaters needing to pass through the three lower Columbia River dams need to do so during daylight hours only, on request, starting September 30, 2021 through May 15, 2022.
  • We … want … a shrubbery … or some volunteers to plant shrubberies

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites volunteers who aren’t afraid of the “Knights who say Ni” or shrubberies (Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie reference) to help it celebrate National Public Lands Day, Saturday, Sept. 25.
  • Out-of-season outage closes The Dalles Dam navigation lock

    An out-of-season outage will close The Dalles Dam’s navigation lock, Sept. 14-15, 2021. A specialized U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rope-access (climbing) inspection team will be performing an assessment, which is part of a required five-year cycle.
  • Corps plans Depoe Bay dredging, after environmental assessment

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin dredging Depoe Bay, Ore. to remove 2,000 cubic yards of material between September 13 and the end of the month. The work will take place for seven to 14 days and is an effort, with the City of Depoe Bay, to clean out the sediment catch basin.
  • Drought, lack of measurable rain drains Willamette Valley reservoirs - Corps hosts info session

    Nearly 50 days without measurable rain, combined with hot, dry conditions, has made reservoir levels in the Willamette Valley the lowest in six years. Additionally, forecasts are not predicting enough precipitation to alleviate the ongoing drought in the Pacific Northwest. To help the public understand the conditions, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District will host an info session Thursday, Aug. 5th from 12-1 p.m. to update the public about lake levels and recreation opportunities in its 13 Willamette Valley reservoirs.
  • Corps Finds No Significant Environmental Impact Reducing Detroit Dam’s Maximum Elevation Pool

    The Portland District found no significant environmental impacts associated with reducing Detroit Dam’s Reservoir maximum pool elevation by five feet to curb the risk of a large earthquake causing the spillway gates to buckle.
  • The Dalles Dam Visitor Center reopens for summer after extended closure

    The Dalles Dam Visitor Center reopened to the public, June 4th, 2021 with capacity limits, face covering requirements, physical distancing, and extra cleaning. Visitor Center operating hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday through Sunday through the end of August.
  • Transmission line work to close part of Giles French Park

    Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will replace transmission lines (area outlined in yellow in attached image) from John Day Lock and Dam to the substation located on top of the hill south of Interstate 84, which will close a portion of Giles French Park beginning Jun. 8th.
  • Recent changes restrict primitive camping along Columbia River

    Some campers may be surprised by recent closures and changes to primitive camping near The Dalles and John Day dams along the Columbia River, that began November 1, 2020. These include a transition from primitive camping to day-use only in some areas, and a maximum of seven days of primitive camping within a 30-day consecutive period at all areas.

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