
Pacificorp Pole Replacements, Multnomah County, Oregon, 408 Review

Portland District
Published April 3, 2024
Expiration date: 4/18/2024


Issue Date: April 3, 2024
Expiration Date: April 18, 2024
Corps Reference: PM-F-Section 408 0094-FY22 PacifiCorp Pole Replacements Project, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

15-Day Notice

This Public Notice announces the Section 408 review of the PacifiCorp Pole Replacements Project.

Portland District is reviewing the PacifiCorp’s, after-the-fact replacement of seven (7) transmission structure poles located within in the Multnomah County Drainage District #1 Columbia River Levee (West and East) systems, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.

Alteration of a federally authorized project: This after-the-fact review is to determine whether the alteration of the federal levee system by the PacifiCorp’s removal and replacement of seven transmission structure poles located at the base of the Columbia River Levee toe caused injury to the levee system. The applicant, PacifiCorp were instructed to provide data on backfill techniques for the excavated holes of the removed poles and the new pole excavation, seepage analysis by a geotechnical engineer to determine that there were no negative impacts, statement of how compaction data was attained, and a final as-build of the completed work.

The applicant provided the data, and the Corps is currently in final review of this documentation.

Further, the applicant will work with the Multnomah County Drainage District to update the Operations and Maintenance manual and Emergency Action Plan.

Consideration of Comments: The Corps is soliciting comments specific to this project from the public, federal, state, and local agencies and officials, and other interested parties. Comments will be considered in determining whether it would be in the public interest to proceed with this action.

All comments received will become part of the official record and are subject to public release under the Freedom of Information Act including any personally identifiable information such as names, phone numbers, and addresses.

Comments: Interested parties may submit, in writing, any comments directed specifically to this proposal and not to other regulatory processes administered by the Corps or other government agencies pertaining to the PacifiCorp Pole Replacements Project.

Comments should refer to PM-F- PacifiCorp Pole Replacements Project - 2022 and the date of this Public Notice (April 3, 2024) and be electronically submitted by the comment due date (April 18, 2024).

Comments must be sent electronically to Message subject MUST SAY: Public Notice PM-F- PacifiCorp Pole Replacements Project - 2022.

Alternatively, comments can be sent and be postmarked by the comment due date (April 18, 2024):

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
ATTN: Ms. Sally Bird-Gauvin
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946.

For additional information, please send email to:, attention to: Sally Bird-Gauvin. This public notice is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District.