News Stories

Author: Michelle Helms
  • March

    Corps FY14 work plan provides funding for coastal dredging

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently released its Fiscal Year 2014 work plans for the Army Civil Works program. The Operation and Maintenance Plan includes nearly $15 million for maintenance dredging of the federal navigation channels used by Oregon’s small coastal ports. The plan also includes $1.2 million to dredge the Skipanon Channel, Ore., and $1.8 million to dredge the Chinook channel and Baker Bay, Wash.
  • August

    Women veterans’ history: Value of military experience evident in service to the Corps

    Women veterans in the Portland District who served in different military branches during different periods of women’s recent military history tell their stories, rightfully proud of their service to our nation.
  • April

    Restoring salmon to an urban park

    Crystal Springs Creek is one of thousands of small streams flowing through the Pacific Northwest. Most provide ideal habitat for fish, but this creek has not supported fish passage for about 40 years.

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