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Explore The Dalles Dam and visitor center this summer

Published July 2, 2019
Ranger Tilton on Explore The Dalles tour

Ranger Tilton on Explore The Dalles tour

Take a ranger-led tour of The Dalles Dam powerhouse and fish ladder. Discover how the dam works and why it’s here. Examine the benefits and trade-offs, and learn about the Corps’ unique history. Enjoy interactive displays, a short film, live fish camera and aquarium, and the Discover Your Northwest bookstore.

The Dalles Dam tours are available every Saturday at 10:20 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. this summer through September 14. Tours begin at the visitor center, where guests board the Explore The Dalles Blue Bus and ride to the dam and back. Reservations are not required, and there are no entrance fees. Tours take approximately one hour. Government-issued photo IDs are required.  Large backpacks, firearms and animals are not permitted.

After the tour, visit Seufert Park, adjacent to the visitor center. Seufert Park is the perfect location to picnic and enjoy scenic views of Mount Hood, and access the eastern portion of The Dalles Riverfront trail. While you’re there, stop and smell the roses at the historic Seufert Rose Garden.

The Dalles Dam Visitor Center is open seasonally, May through the end of September, weekends only before Memorial Day and after Labor Day.  Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Driving directions: From Interstate 84, take exit 87 and go east on Bret Clodfelter Way to the end of the road. 

For more information about shuttle bus tours, visit Reach The Dalles Lock and Dam Ranger Office at 541-506-8471 or the visitor center at 541-296-9778.

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