News Releases

Tag: trout
  • Fish hatchery power problems continue, likely impacting more brood years

    Army engineers and biologists expect power problems at Cole M. Rivers hatchery, in southern Oregon, to impact at least one additional brood year of fish. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) officials had earlier hoped the power failure to only affect one brood year.
  • Corps awards trout supply contract

    Desert Springs Trout Farm of Summer Lake, Oregon, was awarded a nearly $1.3 million contract by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to supply trout to offset the impacts of dams in the Willamette Valley, the agency announced today. Desert Springs has experience providing live fish to the state and delivering to water bodies throughout Oregon. They have worked with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in the past and are familiar with the state’s permitting process and standards for fish production.

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