News Releases

Tag: boating
  • Heat wave fuels needless drownings, boating deaths in Oregon

    Drownings and boating-related deaths needlessly continue claiming lives in Oregon, recently fueled by a heat wave. The Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB) reported 19 boating-related fatalities in 2021 and the Oregon Health Authority recorded 57 drownings in natural waters in 2020, which is 160% increase from 2019 (35 drownings). Life jackets may have prevented many of these deaths.
  • Corps updates Safe Lockage Policy for recreational vessels on Columbia, Snake rivers

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has put the following guidelines in place for the continued safe passage of recreational craft through the navigation locks at McNary, John Day, The Dalles, and Bonneville dams on the Columbia River, and Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite dams on the Snake River:
  • Delayed refill at Corps reservoirs to impact boating, recreation

    Army water managers will delay refilling Cougar and Fall Creek reservoirs and conduct spill operations at Foster Dam as required by the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon’s Willamette Valley injunction because of recent litigation. The delay at Cougar and Fall Creek will impact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) ability to refill the reservoirs to their normal summer levels, which will impact boating and recreation activities.
  • Summer brings hot temps, water sports and potential danger

    Last year, 27 Oregonians died in recreational boating-related incidents – the most in three decades. Incidents overall spiked in 2020. Of 96 fatal and non-fatal occurrences – a 20-year high – three happened at Portland District reservoirs. The Oregon State Marine Board tracks these and officials attribute the increase – in part – to the pandemic.
  • Corps encourages safe 4th of July recreation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers encourages outdoor enthusiasts to recreate responsibly and safely this holiday weekend.
  • Life jacket worn... nobody mourns

    More public recreation fatalities occur in July than any other month, and so the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asks you to please play it safe while on, in, or near the water. Increased water safety awareness can help ensure that you and your loved ones have fun this summer and return home safely.

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