News Releases

Tag: safety
  • Corps to begin deep drawdowns at Green Peter, Lookout Point

    Beginning in June, the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin to gradually drawdown Lookout Point and Green Peter reservoirs to historically low levels. The goal of these reservoir “drawdowns,” which are part of an injunction ordered by the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, is to increase juvenile spring Chinook and steelhead survival and passage through the reservoirs and past the dams.
  • Corps of Engineers to begin critical repairs to Coos Bay North Jetty, closes roads ahead of construction

    On Saturday, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Portland District (Corps) contractors will begin making repairs to the Coos Bay North Jetty. Engineers will close access roads to the North Spit marking the start of this three-year, $64 million critical infrastructure improvement project.
  • Port managers, Army engineers agree to $2.1 million study

    Leadership from the Ports of Longview and Kalama, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have agreed to fund an estimated $2.1 million study. The study will investigate what changes or improvements engineers can make to turning basins in the Columbia River to help larger, deeper-drafting vessels, safely navigate when turning.
  • Corps updates Safe Lockage Policy for recreational vessels on Columbia, Snake rivers

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has put the following guidelines in place for the continued safe passage of recreational craft through the navigation locks at McNary, John Day, The Dalles, and Bonneville dams on the Columbia River, and Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental, Little Goose and Lower Granite dams on the Snake River:
  • Corps considers plan to reduce Detroit Reservoir maximum pool elevation

    Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers considers a plan to reduce Detroit Reservoir’s maximum pool elevation by five feet beginning this summer to reduce the likelihood of overstressing the spillway gates during a large earthquake, which might impact boat ramp access in some years.
  • Corps replaces king piles, part of the “unsung heroes” of navigation

    A $2.1 million U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project to replace missing king piles, some of which have been in place since 1885. The project is part of a greater effort to repair pile dikes. In total, 68 new king pile markers sporadically from Puget Island (river mile 41) to Multnomah Falls (river mile 136) will go in.
  • Low Willamette Valley reservoir water levels pose potential dangers

    Due to low water levels in many Corps reservoirs in the Willamette Valley, officials are warning reservoir users of potential hazards. The low levels, a result of low precipitation this fall, are exposing soft, muddy areas of lakebed, which could pose a danger to users.
  • Safety concerns result in Lone Pine Islands closure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will close all but the southwestern most extent of the Lone Pine Islands, located directly downstream of The Dalles Lock and Dam, to public access.

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