News Releases

Tag: oregon coast
  • 9,200 buckets later, Corps dredging halfway complete at Gold Beach

    A giant bucket – the size of a 1970s Volkswagen bus – swings through the air after it gobbles up 20 cubic yards of gravel blocking (shoaling-in) access to parts of the Port of Gold Beach, Ore. The small community on the southern coast, where the Rogue River meets the Pacific Ocean, doesn’t have much, but it has a port that sees upwards of 35,000 visitors per year for jet boat tours and averages 75-100 fishing boats a day, according to port officials.
  • Corps plans Depoe Bay dredging, after environmental assessment

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin dredging Depoe Bay, Ore. to remove 2,000 cubic yards of material between September 13 and the end of the month. The work will take place for seven to 14 days and is an effort, with the City of Depoe Bay, to clean out the sediment catch basin.
  • South Jetty rehab close parts of Fort Stevens State Park

    South Jetty rehabilitation will temporarily close the observation tower at Lot “C” at Fort Stevens State Park beginning April 19. Lot “C” and the bathrooms remain open for public access but the tower will be closed until further notice. Construction progress will determine the reopening date and a separate announcement will follow.
  • Public comments sought on proposal to expand Port Orford nearshore dredge placement area

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking public comments on our proposal to expand the nearshore dredge material placement site we use in maintaining the navigation channel near Port Orford, located on the southern coast of Oregon.

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