News Releases

Corps performs field studies at Willamette Valley dams

Published Nov. 3, 2016
PORTLAND, ORE. – Construction crews are on site at Hills Creek Dam as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers begins field investigation at some of its dams. The investigations at Hills Creek, Cougar and Lookout Point dams will give the Corps additional information to better understand conditions within the dams and in their foundations. 

“Our highest priority is ensuring that Corps’ dams are fully able to reduce flooding in the downstream communities,” said Matt Craig, Portland District Dam Safety Program manager. “The information from these field investigations will improve our understanding of the risk at these dams and how it compares to current standards.”

The field investigation work, one part of the Corps’ Issue Evaluation Studies, varies by location, includes drilling and excavating test pits to collect soil and material samples, and installing instruments to monitor the structural condition of the dams. 

The data will provide more information on the engineering characteristics of the dam and foundation materials. This information also helps the Corps better understand how well the dams will perform under seismic events. 

The studies are part of the Corps’ national Dam Safety Program, which includes periodic inspections and risk assessments, Emergency Action Plan exercises, seismic and hydrologic studies.

For more information about the Program, visit
Michelle Helms

Release no. 16-035

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