News Releases

Corps to issue draft Rogue water management plan for public review

Published May 20, 2015
PORTLAND, Ore. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will issue its draft Rogue Basin summer water management plan next week for public review and comment.

The draft “Rogue River Basin Project Conservation Release Season Operating Plan” identifies Rogue and Applegate river flow requirements and Lost Creek and Applegate reservoir storage for the May through October conservation season.

The Corps will explain the draft plan on a conference call and Web meeting Tuesday, May 26 at 10 a.m. The public is welcome to listen in by calling 877-336-1829 and entering access and security codes 2221310 when prompted. Presentations accompanying the call can be viewed at, meeting number 877-336-1829, access code 2221310.

The call is a regularly-scheduled interagency work session; public questions and comments will not be addressed at that time. The draft plan will be posted for public review at Questions and comments about the draft plan can be directed by email to Rogue Basin Regulator Alan Donner at through June 9.

The Corps works with a variety of federal and state environmental protection, fish and wildlife, and water resource agencies to develop its annual water management plan. Initial discussions start in February.

February’s discussions and recommendations are followed by preliminary reservoir refill projections in March, and draft water release recommendations in April. The process is continually informed by updated snowpack and water supply forecasts.

Although the release plan is usually considered final in early June, it is continuously updated through the summer as conditions change.

William L. Jess and Applegate dams contribute to a water resource management system that provides flood damage reduction, fish and wildlife enhancement, irrigation, municipal and industrial water supply, power generation, water quality improvement and recreation. For more information, visit

Scott Clemans

Release no. 15-018

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