News Releases

Corps seeks comments on draft EA for Trestle Bay Restoration Project

Published March 16, 2015
PORTLAND, ORE. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeking public comments on its draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Trestle Bay Restoration Project.  The public comment period ends April 11, 2015.

Trestle Bay is a 628-acre bay located about six miles upstream of the Mouth of the Columbia River, in Fort Stevens State Park, Clatsop County, Oregon.

The Corps is proposing to construct an ecosystem restoration project at Trestle Bay. The preferred alternative is to construct a 900-foot opening along the south jetty root that provides adequate access to salmon and steelhead across the full range of the Trestle Bay habitat. The root is an 8,800-foot structure that prevents unfettered salmonid access to and from Trestle Bay.
The draft EA and draft FONSI are available on the Portland District website at
To submit public comments on this Draft EA and FONSI, correspondence should be directed to: Gretchen Smith, Environmental Resources Branch, telephone (503) 964-6972; via e-mail at; or at the address below:

District Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Portland
Attn: CENWP-PM-E/Gretchen Smith
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946

To become part of the record and to be considered in the decision, comments on this notice must be postmarked no later than April 11, 2015. In your response, please refer to the public notice number CENWP-PM-E-15-03, the title and date. If no response is received and postmarked by the closing date, a “no comment” response will be assumed.

Diana Fredlund

Release no. 15-009

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