News Releases

Corps jetties not built for recreation

Published May 23, 2013

PORTLAND, ORE. – Visitors to the Oregon coast should avoid walking or climbing on coastal jetties. The structures, built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, are designed to aid ships and other vessels traveling between rivers and the Pacific Ocean; they were never intended to be used for recreation.


While the Corps understands the jetties are popular destinations for fishing and other activities, the structures are very dangerous, with open crevasses between large boulders that create stepping hazards and slippery rock surfaces caused by sea spray. Sudden larger waves, even in calm weather, can knock a person off balance and into the water; strong currents near the jetty can prevent safe recovery.


Oregon’s coastal jetties are navigation aids, part of the federal infrastructure supporting waterborne commerce.  These structures should be admired for their complexity and contributions to the region from a distance. Learn more about Oregon’s coastal jetties at  

Michelle Helms

Release no. 13-031

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